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GeoTech Laboratories utilise advanced analysis technologies to provide high-efficiency solutions to the oil, gas and geothermal industries.

We strive to make today’s laboratory technologies the field services of tomorrow.


GeoTech laboratory services are focused on helping clients to:

· Plan and optimize future wellsite activity, through preliminary tests
· Complete and integrate activity performed at wellsite, by using tools not yet available for field applications
· Test new experimental tools before moving them to wellsite.

Examples of laboratory studies include:
Oil-Oil and Oil-Source rock correlations

· Biomarkers studies on oil and extacts
· Isotopic analyses (GC-IRMS)
Source rock characterization and maturity assessment

· Pyrolysis
· Vitrinite reflectance
· Fluid inclusions
Gas characterization

· Complete chemical analyses, including contaminant gases
· Carbon and deuterium isotopic analyses
· Gas - oil correlations
· Head space analyses
· Residual gas (gas still present in cuttings)
Rock analyses and characterization

· XRD diffraction for mineralogical analyses
· XRF chemical analyses for major, minor and trace elements
· SEM studies


At GeoTech we recognise that ongoing advances in analytical techniques will have a fundamental impact upon the future of decision making within the oil, gas and geothermal industries: enabling multiple high-density data sets generated at the rigsite to replace the high-cost limited data sets previously utilised post-drilling. The availability of enhanced accuracy analysis of samples using technologies formerly restricted to laboratory environments will reinforce this trend, fusing geochemistry with mudlogging formation evaluation to produce new methods of understanding formations in real-time.

As such, GeoTech’s innovation and research are focused to:

· Make available new analytical tools for field applications (towards the future full equipped upstream lab at wellsite)
· Squeeze maximum value from acquired data, to address and solve key industry issues



GeoTech utilises a multidisciplinary group of very young and motivated professionals with PhDs/Masters drawn from a range of academic and industry backgrounds supervised by technical managers with long experience in Oil companies.


The laboratory seeks, via collaboration with a wide range of partners in academia and industry, to leverage advances across a broad spectrum of technologies to create new paradigms for the petroleum and geothermal sectors.

GeoTech actively seeks to collaborate with the industry on new projects to drive forward the state of the art in geochemical and physical techniques. Recent projects include the following partners:

GeoTech is also carrying forward research projects with a number of leading academic institutions and industry partners, including:


Based inside the innovation hub “Fondazione Filarete”, the research incubator facility of the University of Milan (Universita’ Statale di Milano), GeoTech is ideally situated to leverage exposure to multiple fields of advanced technology research to enable the development of novel solutions to the challenges of the oil, gas and geothermal industries.

In addition to the Milan Research Laboratory, GeoTech also has satellite operational laboratories in Houston, USA, Neuquén, Argentina and Doha, Qatar.
GeoTech can also leverages GEOLOG’s global network of operational bases in over 40 countries for localised R&D projects and Laboratory studies.


Use of Reservoir Geochemistry in High Water Cut Production: A Case Study in The Karakuş Field
September 2023, IPETGas

Geochemical-based production allocation methods leverage variations between individual reservoirs (EMs) to segregate mixed oil flows, crucial when budget constraints limit options like multiphase flowmeters. This approach, reliant on GC-fingerprinting and deconvolution algorithms, ensures accurate allocation but necessitates diverse chemical profiles among reservoirs for effectiveness.

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Derivation of rock's geomechanical parameters while drilling by combining surface drilling data, gamma ray data, and machine learning techniques in carbonate formations
February 2023, EAGE First Break

This study develops a robust methodology using drilling and well log data, combined with machine learning, to accurately derive geomechanical parameters from 11 wells in Kuwait. It includes an innovative approach—creating a Synthetic Gamma Ray from XRF analysis—to expand its applicability in scenarios where traditional downhole tools aren't viable.

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Risk reduction in the derivation of while-drilling wellbore geomechanical properties by utilization of real-time surface logging and gamma ray data through the application of machine learning techniques to pre-existing data sets
June 2023, SPWLA

This work presents a reliable method using surface logging data and well log data to evaluate geomechanical parameters. By employing machine learning algorithms and combining drilling parameters with Gamma Ray, Sonic, and Bulk Density logs, the model successfully predicts geomechanical properties in newly drilled wells, reducing the reliance on Sonic and Density logs and providing a cost-effective.

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Multi-well production allocation via petroleum fingerprinting: a case study in the norwegian sea
June 2023, SPWLA

A successful pilot study in the Norwegian Sea showcases effective petroleum fingerprinting for production allocation in offshore wells. Robust mixing model and GC-MS analysis yield accurate results, aligned with multiphase flowmeter data—a cost-effective approach for production allocation without deferment, even in single-level multiwell production.

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Geomechanics while Drilling: an innovative methodology to derive Geomechanical parameters in unconventional reservoirs using surface logging data, gamma ray and machine learning
November 2022

In this work, an innovative methodology is proposed to derive several geomechanical parameters (Young's Modulus, UCS, Poisson's ratio, Bulk Modulus, Shear modulus) and equivalent well logs using only drilling parameters or combine them with gamma-ray data (from well logs or via XRF analysis on cuttings by calculating a Chemical Gamma Ray).

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An original deconvolution approach for oil production allocation based on geochemical fingerprinting
November 2022

The paper presents an overview of the most widely employed techniques for production allocation. After highlighting the strength and drawbacks of each methodology, the Geolog approach is proposed. It consists of an improved experimental procedure for GC targeting production allocation and a novel deconvolution algorithm developed with Politecnico of Milan.

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Probabilistic assessment of equivalent fracture aperture constrained on quasi-real‑time drilling mud loss data
July 2022, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

Politecnico di Milano and Geolog Technologies developed an approach for the characterization of equivalent fracture apertures based on available mud loss information acquired in quasi-real-time while drilling.

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Integrated Formation Evaluation Using Multiple Geochemical Solutions to Optimize Reservoir Description and Evaluate Production Potential from Multiple Targets in the Northern Delaware Basin
June 2022, URTeC, URTeC: 3723283

This paper reports an integrated formation evaluation workflow on a multi-well case study in the Northern Delaware Basin using surface logging and laboratory analyses only. We will present how this approach provided subsurface characterization for enabling key drilling and completion decisions and optimizing future well planning and target selections

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Sensitivity Analysis and Quantification of the Role of Governing Transport Mechanisms and Parameters in a Gas Flow Model for Low-Permeability Porous Media
April 2022

The scope of the work is identifying a suitable model to represent gas (methane) migration in low-permeability media. This paper analyzed the relative importance of parameters driving gas flow in low-permeability formation. Employing statistical-based approaches, a simple, effective diffusion model embedding major methane flow mechanisms is derived.

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Predict Geomechanical Parameters with Machine Learning Combining Drilling Data and Gamma Ray
December, 2021, SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show, SPE-204688-MS

The paper shows the development of a reliable method for geomechanical parameters evaluation while drilling using surface logging data. It combines ML drilling data, XRF and well log data with machine learning techniques. The paper shows that a model trained with drilling parameters and GR coming from one well can predict the Young Modulus of different wells (same basin)

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Novel Approach to Reservoir Continuity Evaluation Through GC-MS Geochemical Fingerprinting
September 2021, 30th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Online Meeting

Placido Franco PhD, Ivo Colombo PhD, Roberto Galimberti PhD, GeoTech

Assessment of reservoir continuity through GC-fingerprinting is widely recognized to provide reliable results and has proven to be effective in supporting or replacing classical approaches such as those based on pressure data analysis. This paper reports an attempt to extend this reservoir geochemistry approach, normally applied to oil sample analysis, to the fingerprinting of cuttings extracts. Challenges, possible solutions and limitations of such an approach, as well as a case history are reported and discussed thoroughly.

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Carbon Isotopes from Mud Gas: Lab IRMS or Wellsite Laser-Assisted Technologies?
September 2019, 29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG), Gothenburg, Sweden

Bianca Cecconi PhD and Roberto Galimberti PhD, GeoTech

The objective of the study is to screen differences in carbon isotopic analysis between laboratory GC-IRMS and one of the possible alternative solutions for wellsite deployment, Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS). Comparison examined advantages and disadvantages of two approaches and technical performances in terms of LoD, precision and accuracy.

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Quantification of Uncertainties of Fracture Permeability via Mud Loss Information and Inverse Stochastic Modeling
June 2019, 81st EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, London, UK

Alberto Guadagnini Prof., Anna Russian PhD, Monica Riva Prof., Politecnico di Milano, Eliana Russo MSc, Mario Chiaramonte MSc, GeoTech

Fracture characterization of NFRs plays an important role in hydrocarbon production estimation. Uncertainty propagation from input parameters to model outputs is quantified through a Monte Carlo framework. Stochastic inverse modelling with field data is performed to evaluate posterior probability densities of fracture aperture and to simulate drilling fluid invasion in fractures in quasi-real time during drilling.

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H2S detection while drilling: a new approach
March 2019, 14th Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, Ravenna, Italy

Luca Mascheroni MSc, GeoTech

Oil and gas reserve contamination by acid gas is a growing issue and H2S occurrence is more and more frequent. The use of organic scavengers in drilling mud prevents the application of techniques routinely used for H2S detection. Geolog has set up an innovative methodology to highlight H2S distribution in reservoir, even in presence of these scavengers.

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High Resolution Geochemistry at Well Site, a New Emerging Tool
March 2019, AAPG Hedberg: The Evolution of Petroleum Systems Analysis: Changing of the Guard from Late Mature Experts to Peak Generating Staff, Houston, USA

Mario Chiaramonte MSc, Roberto Galimberti PhD, GeoTech

The recent impressive improvements in analytical chemistry, due on one side to the growing needs of environmental monitoring and on the other to fast developments in nanotechnologies, made possible to move part of geochemical lab activities to wellsite. New portable and more robust instruments, able treplace bulky and complex instruments used in the labs, have been adopted in mud logging units, to introduce geochemistry at well site. This trend is still ongoing and other analytical techniques will be moved soon, offering new opportunities to get in quasi-real time additional high value data, matching lab quality standards.

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Petroleum Africa
July-August 2019

GeoTech has been featured in the July-August issue of Petroleum Africa magazine with an article by our Gas and Geochemistry Specialist, Luca Mascheroni, highlighting the new approach of H2S detection while drilling.

Read the full article here

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